Archive for Nov 2008

  • 0 min read

Clear the log files of all your rails projects

I hit a barrier last night where my virtual machine I use for Rails development ran out of space. I quickly checked around and saw my current Rails project had 800MB in log files (thanks autospec).

So I decided to quickly cook up this little bash...

  • 3 min read

Some notes on Rake

Murphy Law

I’m busy setting up and extensive suite of Rake tasks to manage the building, configuration, customization and deployment of Gentoo Linux onto USB drives.

We’re busy migrating all our servers (new and current) onto USB for various reasons, which...

  • 9 min read

Ruby and Messaging (Part 2) – Giving Rails a Break

NOTE: This post has been in draft for a couple of months now, and might seem a bit dated because of that. I need to complete the series and have decided to publish it for a sense of completeness.

Like all good bloggers out there, it seems plenty...

  • 4 min read

Review: Ruby on Rails 2.2 EnvyCast

So it started with a tweet, and ended up here. The first of a two part review of the Ruby on Rails 2.2 EnvyCast. But first some background…


Gregg Pollack and Jason Seifer are the comics of the Ruby and Rails worlds, and I have been a religious...