Archive for May 2009

  • 3 min read

Capistrano for your daemons

Nothing like some possitive feedback to keep you looking after your own projects, and the feedback on daemon-kit has been great so far. My TODO list is growing every day with more features that I need, and others need as well. I mostly add features...

  • 2 min read

Safety nets for your Ruby daemons

Daemon-kit has been getting a lot of TLC from me lately, and it’s not going to stop anytime soon. As I wander deeper and deeper into AMQP territory, I need to extend daemon-kit to cope with all kinds of new scenarios. One of those being unhandled exceptions...

  • 1 min read

Quick *nix shadow passwords with Ruby

Just thought I’d share this one to boost the available online information. Using String#crypt and man crypt you’ll come up with something similar to the gist below (extract from a project I’m busy working on).

module Linux
  class User
    class <...