Articles tagged 'git'

  • 0 min read

Pluck out an old revision of a file with git show

I was busy merging work back and forth between topic branches today and by accident miss-merged a 700-line spec. Everything else was fine (or so I hope) except this one file. I couldn’t use git revert, since that would mean I’ll have to redo all the...

  • 2 min read

Using hoptoad in open source project deployments

It came down on me like a ton of bricks when I deployed the audit updates to our production PowerDNS on Rails setup, hoptoad isn’t installed and any errors would just be gone and forgotten.

The solution is pretty simple, if you use git. This quicky...

  • 1 min read

From svn to git, handling non-standard repo layouts

Today I finally had to “extract” a project from one of our biggest repos as part of a git migration plan. I’ve converted most of the other smaller projects in the same repo over using just their trunk, and it has worked without any noticeable issues...

  • 0 min read

GitHub pulls, and Tableless Model improvements

I checked up on ActiveRecord::Tableless and saw a fork that had some promising changes in, so I set out to pull those changes back to my repo. Seemed simple enough, I followed Steven Bristol’s steps and it worked.

The changes made by Peter Wagenet

  • 0 min read

Git on Windows, now for Adobe Air

Just picked up this detailed post for using git on Windows, thought I’d share it here too. And just in time as well, I’ve spent a lot of time the last couple of days reading up on Adobe Air and making notes of possible applications I can play with...

  • 0 min read

Converting a mercurial repo to git

Keeping with the exodus from SVN/Mercurial to git, here is a super quick guide for converting a Mercurial repo to git.

  1. Get the fast-export script via git:

    git clone git://

  2. Make a new (empty) git repo for the project that...

  • 0 min read

Cohosting on Rubyforge & GitHub

Thanks to Dr Nic Williams for highlighting this at such an awesome time. I’ve got the source for ActiveRecord::Tableless now on GitHub and RubyForge, thanks to git. So you can grab a copy any time you want and contribute patches 😃

Get the code via...

  • 0 min read

Cheating Git

Nope, its not another post about how incredible git is, instead I’m just gonna highlight a quick way to get used to git and/or git-svn during the transition (yes, resistance is futile).

$ sudo gem install cheat
$ cheat git
$ cheat gitsvn

No need...