Reusing your frontend JS on the server with The Ruby Racer

I can’t tell you how much fun it is typing out a blog post again. It has been nearly two years since the last post. I hope this will be the end of the dry spell for me.

Earlier this year at Rubyfuza 2013 I had the privilege to share with the audience how, at ValuationUP, we reuse our frontend JavaScript on the server side using The Ruby Racer, allowing us to push the SOLID principles to the max by crossing the language barrier using DI & IoC across the language barriers.

The video and the slides are below for your enjoyment.

The sample code lives at kennethkalmer/rubyfuza-2013, and the working demo is up on Heroku.

In the presentation I showed a 34 page PDF, and mentioned that the master branch was over 44 pages. As I’m typing this, we’re at 60+ pages and it shows no sign of stopping. Our clients are really loving the PDF output, and we’re getting better at crafting it for them.

If you’re an entrepreneur please check out ValuationUP, or pass it along to your entrepreneurial friends. We can really help a privately held business unpack what is going on in their financials, highlight dangers, and point out the healthy parts.

Welcome to the Open Sourcery Archives. These are my older blog posts, from days gone by. I'm keeping them up as part of the historical record. That, and I'm strangely sentimental about them. Please keep in mind that things most certainly have changed since these articles were written, links to external sites might be broken, and general thinking might have changed.

Regardless of all this, I hope you enjoy your stay!

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